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1000 things I’ve learned about blogging

Writer's picture: HeadHead

To mark 1000 posts on this blog, I thought I’d reflect on what I’ve learned since post #1.

UPDATE 2: I’ll be posting further ‘1000 things’ via Twitter – you can find them with this search or this RSS feed.

  1. Blogging is not ‘writing a blog’. Blogging is linking and commenting. Any writing is a bonus.

  2. Regular posting is important…

  3. But quality posting is even more important. Spending a week or more on a single post can be one of the most important things you ever do.

  4. First knowledge, then analysis, then ideas.

  5. A picture is worth a thousand words. More importantly, a picture is worth a thousand words in two hundred countries. The fact that readers don’t need to speak English to understand what you’re communicating can make a word-free post – or at least one with a good image – your most successful one.

  6. For similar reasons, video works. It may not be search engine-friendly, but if people can embed it the word is more likely to spread.

  7. When video meets conversation, good stuff can happen.

  8. Everyone looks ugly on video. Get over it.

  9. Online video is not online TV

  10. Podcasts work better when there’s more than one of you

  11. It takes time. Sometimes years. Persistence counts.

  12. Being early matters

  13. A big idea travels far

  14. Pingback/trackback is a wonderful thing, a form of distribution news websites are still struggling to match. What can be more interesting than someone who is interested in you?

  15. Cliques and old boys’ networks exist in the blogosphere too

  16. We are too fucking Anglo-American

  17. Language is a massive barrier (but having multilingual friends helps – see updates at top of post)

  18. BASIC principles matter

  19. Social bookmarking makes researching a post much easier

  20. The best reason to blog is not to show everyone else what you know, but to find out what everyone else knows

  21. RSS is one of the most undervalued technologies in the world. Once you understand what to do with it, you can bring the world to your desktop, your mobile, and your blog, and vice versa.

  22. A blog doesn’t open doors for you, it just gives you the idea to try knocking.

  23. When people Google you, it saves a lot of time explaining things.

  24. Blogs are just one part of a social media ecology. Half the stuff that used to go on this blog now goes on Twitter; more goes on Delicious; and some on Flickr and on Seesmic.

  25. Don’t get me started on FriendFeed, Plurk, Jaiku, etc.

  26. Humour is effective, but not everyone will get it

  27. I seem to like linking on verbs

  28. Streaming live video from your mobile is a pretty amazing thing when you think about it

  29. Streaming live video from your mobile uses up your battery quickly

  30. Web browsing on your mobile also uses up your battery quickly

  31. If you’re moblogging an event, bring a power lead, an extension lead – and a spare phone

  32. The N95 kicks iPhone‘s ass

  33. (But I’m prepared to be persuaded otherwise)

  34. WordPress plugins are addictive

  35. Firefox extensions are addictive

  36. Signing up for beta web services is addictive

  37. I don’t really care about Twitterspam

  38. A simple, fun idea can be around the world in minutes

  39. If you want to campaign against something, you already have the technology

  40. If you want a service, create it yourself

  41. Google is the biggest popularity contest in the world

  42. When you realise you don’t have a readership – you have a community – then you also realise you can mobilise, and get things done.

  43. Technology is easy; community is hard

  44. Meeting in person is important: I read blogs by people I’ve met much more often than those I haven’t

  45. Geography still matters

  46. Birmingham has a lot of bloggers

  47. Liveblogging and Twitter-blogging are not the same thing

  48. Privacy is a fluid concept: just because it’s in the public domain doesn’t mean it’s not private

  49. is better than Blogger

  50. is better than (see Thing 34)

  51. Content is not king.

  52. Conversation is king.

  53. Conversation is the kingdom.

  54. We shouldn’t try to be the media

  55. If someone is sending you a press release about something, you shouldn’t blog about it

  56. As a journalist, blogging is a good way to rediscover the joy of journalism

  57. Blogging is also a great way to rediscover how great having a good editor can be

  58. Do what you do best and link to the rest

  59. Blogs aren’t worth dying for. That’s what family is for.

  60. Setting yourself a maximum number of posts per day is a good idea

  61. Setting yourself a set time to look at your RSS subs every day is also a good idea

  62. If you rely on third party services, prepare for the rug to be pulled from under your feet

  63. If you publish the comments widget high up on your blog, more people comment

  64. A blog without a comments facility is broken

  65. A site that has comments, but edits or buries them, is not just broken, it’s malevolent.

  66. Leave posts open ended if you want people to comment

  67. Leave a post at the top of your site for more than a day if you want people to comment

  68. Being transparent about your sources is not only good journalism, it’s good distribution.

  69. The search engine optimisation industry is the new snake oil. I can tell you all you need to know about SEO in five minutes

  70. Although it might take me another five hours to answer the resulting questions

  71. If you expect to make lots of money from blogging, you are either naive, stupid, or Robert Scoble.

  72. If you expect to make lots of money from blogging, don’t expect to make it through advertising

  73. Being read by a few, key, people can be worth more, professionally, than having lots of visitors

  74. Being frequently linked to can be worth more, commercially, than having lots of visitors

  75. Beware advertisers bearing text-based gifts, or generous offerings of ‘free’ articles. Understand linkspam

  76. Be aware that you have an ego

  77. Be aware that everyone else has an ego

  78. Unconferences are great

  79. There’s only so much talking you can do. Sometimes you have to do something.

  80. There should be more money available to do something

  81. Ideas aren’t a problem. Knowing which ones to pursue is

  82. Only 10% of Americans read blogs

  83. But 26% of Americans write blogs

  84. How does that work?

  85. Blogs are far more ethnically representative than mainstream media

  86. People may not trust the print and broadcast media, but they trust online news even less

  87. The 1-9-90 rule

  88. Rushing off a blog entry just before bed is a bad idea

  89. Rushing off a blog entry hours before your wife goes into labour is not a good idea either

  90. Some news travels faster than an aftershock

  91. People don’t need managers to organise them – just connections

  92. When I can record a video comment straight from my mobile phone, I’ll be a happy man

  93. Don’t underestimate the power of corporatisation

  94. Don’t underestimate the power of big corporations

  95. Don’t underestimate the power of governments

  96. If, after all this, we have to go back to living in caves and eating rats, it’ll be a real shame

  97. Lists have become the biggest cliche in blogging and the most shameless tactic for getting to the top of delicious/digg/reddit.

  98. But people still read them.

  99. Have you bookmarked this yet, by the way?

1000. I can’t count.

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